
Showing posts from October, 2017

HIstory of Console Gaming Systems

Eamonn Keenan Art 211 10/17/2017 History of Console Gaming Systems      One of the most well-known pieces of technology in the 20th century is none other than the video game console.  With some of the biggest brands like Microsoft creating Xbox and Sony creating the Playstation, the video game console has become a hobby to many children and adults around the world.      The history of video game consoles started earlier than I anticipated with the first system coming out in 1967.  A German television engineer named Ralph Baer created the Brown Box with the help of co-workers.  The game was simple; one box chases another box on the screen.  Eventually, the creators added on a ray gun, as well as 12 other games.  They used a vacuum tube circuit that connects to the television.      5 years later the Odyssey was the 2nd ever console to be created.  Based off of the Brown Box, Magnavox was the first company...

Stop Animation

This stop animation is based off the concept of how most college kids drink. It is meant to be a lighthearted video that also sheds light on the reality of college kids this day and age. The project was done by hand in a medieval art history book. I then used adobe premiere to create the video. Having some experience in animation, I knew what to expect when making a stop motion animation. The process is very tedious, but when done correctly can create great videos. For my project, I wish I had planned out the animation itself better. The mistakes I did make though feel like they are rookie mistakes and could be fixed easily.