Sound of Music Blog

     After watching one of the clips for "Sound of Music" I picked up on a few that changes in the progression of technology in performance art.  The clip that I saw was filmed on a camera in what seemed like sometime in the 1960's.  The ability to use a better camera than what was used to record operas already helps the ability to better tell the story.
     Also, the performance was taken it what appeared to be a closed set.  To be able to control a setting from all angles and use multiple cameras creates a depth in the room that could not be done in opera.  They also were able to create the appearance of the weather outside the set because of it being a closed set, just furthering the ability to suspend disbelief while watching.
     The last thing I noticed was that the content of the broadway was more upbeat than what we had previously seen with operas.  In "Sound of Music" the woman is singing to children about all the things that make her happy while they are all scared of the storm outside.  That alone is more upbeat than anything we have seen in operas.


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