Third Blog

For this project, I was assigned to take two items and combine them to create an entirely new item.  I decided to take a tennis ball and tennis racket to create an apple.  I went into photoshop and took .png files of a racket and tennis ball and added them to a file.  From there, I used a layer mask to constructively edit the racket into looking like an apple stem.  I then added in a tennis ball as the apple, but tried to add a red layer mask on top to make it seem like more of an apple.   That failed, but I feel that is due to my color blindness.  To finish it off I created an eclipse layer to appear as the shadow for the apple to give the image depth.  This project definitely tested my creativity, but also my time management skills.  Due to the fact that Hurricane Irma hit, I had to balance schoolwork deadlines with the evacuation deadlines that I had.  Overall I am proud of this project.  I feel that I express an understanding of the assignment, which is to take two items and create an entirely new item.  The only thing I would criticize would be the color pallet but due to color blindness I am limited in my ability to manipulate the colors.  The idea of combining two images to create a new image definitely tested my creativity.  The idea when said out loud sounds simple, but was at least for me, a lot harder than it sounds.  I look forward to discussing this topic more so I can expand the limits of my creativity.


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